
First day of Bazkideen Hitza

First day of Bazkideen Hitza

Esta tarde se ha celebrado en San Mamés la primera de las jornadas que, bajo el nombre de Bazkideen Hitza, el Club organiza para conocer de primera mano las reflexiones e inquietudes que acerca de nuestra entidad tienen nuestros socios y socias, simpatizantes de la Fundación (Club Athletic) y Gazte Abonoak.

This afternoon was held in San Mamés the first of the workshop that, under the name of Bazkideen Hitza, the Club organizes to know first-hand the reflections and concerns about our entity of our members and supporters of the Foundation (Club Athletic) and Gazte Abonoak.

For nearly two hours, the participants, distributed in five working tables, have expressed their opinions, debated and transmitted their conclusions to the secretaries of each table. The discussions were about the following three fundamental questions:

How do you see the club now (present and future)? What do you think should be improved? What are from your point of view the most urgent improvements to be made?

The president, Aitor Elizegi, accompanied by a representative of the Board of Directors, has also attended this first session of Bazkideen Hitza, an initiative from which good ideas will emerge as a result of the collective participation.

Those interested in participating in the following editions of Bazkideen Hitza should send an e-mail indicating their name, two surnames, ID number, age, relationship with the Club (member, Club Athletic, Gazte Abonoa) and their phone number to the following address: [email protected] The Club will contact each of the applicants and will confirm their attendance as soon as possible, indicating the day and time when they must show up in San Mamés.