Athletic Club

Board of Directors’ Press Release

Board of Directors’ Press Release

Athletic Club’s Board of Directors would like to express that it has concluded its lengthy…

Athletic Club’s Board of Directors would like to express that it has concluded its lengthy period of reflection, having exclusively analyzed the best options for the present and future of the Organization.

Although we understand the interest of the mass media and the effort they’ve gone through these last few days, we believe that it is most appropriate to inform of our decision at the Representatives’ Meeting, as a sovereign body of the Club. We therefore request, in this sense, understanding and respect for our position.

This Board would like to inform that both the debate of the last few days and the decision making have been intently presided over taking into account the institutional responsibility of all the members of this Board, and have entailed an enormous personal sacrifice for all its members.

We trust that whatever decision is taken it ends such a convulsive situation, which does not do any good for Athletic.