Athletic Club

General Assembly Meeting (I)

General Assembly Meeting (I)

The Athletic Club Board of directors has decided, in accordance with that established in Articles…

The Athletic Club Board of directors has decided, in accordance with that established in Articles 19, 23 and 54.2 of the Social Statutes, to summon Athletic Club members and Delegates to the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting to be held at Euskalduna Palace in Bilbao, on Wednesday, 8 October 2008, with the 1st session at 19:15 hours and 2nd session at 19:30 hours, under the following:


FIRST: Approval of the Accounts, Annual Report, Balance Sheet and Board of directors’ Management for the last Fiscal Year.

SECOND: Approval of the Budget for the upcoming Fiscal Year, including the proposal for a fee adjustment.

THIRD: Opening of the modification process or reform of the Social Statutes and, consequently, in agreement with the First Additional Disposition of such:
a) Adopt the agreement of proceeding with the modification of the Statutes
b) Appointment by the General Assembly of two members of the Commission in charge of drafting the Statutes Reform Project.

FOURTH: Board of directors’ Projects and Proposals.

FIFTH: Proposals by members, having been presented in writing, and at least five days prior to the Assembly date, and provided that they have been signed by 10% of Assembly members or 2% of the Members with the right to vote.

SIXTH: Other business.

Club Secretary, Mónica Durango, opened the Assembly by thanking everyone in attendance. On second call, at 19:30, there are 338 members present.

After a minute of silence in honour of the members, players and directors that passed away this past year, Athletic Club President, Fernando Garcia Macua, took the floor.

‘Welcome, members, delegates and everyone to this Assembly:

Good evening!

We are attending the most important social event, at an organizational level, of the many that Athletic holds every year. The Ordinary General Assembly Meeting, maximum sovereign body of the Club, and before which the Board of directors appears to put under consideration and possible approval the liquidation of Accounts and the management developed during the last fiscal year which closed this past 30 June.

Also, to consider the approval of the Budget for the upcoming Fiscal Year, including the proposal for a fee adjustment for members

And finally, this year again, to put under debate and possibly approve the opening of the reform process of the current Social Statutes.’ [… ]

After his speech, the president went on to explain the third point on the Agenda: Opening of the Social Statutes’ reform modification process.