Athletic Club

Athletic Club in Palma

Athletic Club in Palma

The Athletic Club Expedition is in Palma to play the league match against Mallorca on…

The Athletic Club Expedition is in Palma to play the league match against Mallorca on Sunday, 9 November. The Red-White expedition members, lead by Vice-president Joseba Inchaurraga and Board member Juan Manuel Delgado, left Bilbao airport at 17:20 hours, arriving in Palma at 18:30 and from there, after having complied with the requests of various fans, went to the Nixe Palace Hotel by coach and got there at 19:30 hours.

Various fans were waiting for them at the hotel and who then hung around for the autograph signing session of the players Etxeberria and Iturraspe. The weather is good in Palma and the temperature is fine.