Thinking Football 2016 awards
General public has awarded the documentary ‘Sunakali’ by Bhojrat Bhat as the best work of…
General public has awarded the documentary ‘Sunakali’ by Bhojrat Bhat as the best work of 2016 edition. The prize will be awarded in the opening event of next year’s edition: the director will be awarded with 2.000€ to donate in a social project related with football and a basque sculpture made by Ángel Garraza.
From the other hand, Jabi Jubera and Eñaut Barandiaran have been awarded by Athletic Club Foundation and Loraldia during the evening of today with the first prize of Thinking Football-Loraldia for their basque videocreation ‘Jokoz Kanpo’. The jury, formed by Iratxe Fresneda, Jon Maia, Itziar Ituño and Ana Angulo, selected as finalist works ‘Hako hako’ by Irene Urruzola, ‘Uuuuuyyy!’ by Irene Fernández and ‘Athletic ez du generorik’ by Gorka Irizar.
All the videos will be screened during the next weeks in the scoreboard of San Mamés in match days.