Athletic Club

Athletic Club 3 Real Sociedad 0: photos

Athletic Club 3 Real Sociedad 0: photos

Athletic Club’s starting eleven line up for the match against Real Sociedad: Ainhoa, Vanessa, Marta…

Athletic Club’s starting eleven line up for the match against Real Sociedad: Ainhoa, Vanessa, Marta M., Itziar, Guru, Tzibi J., A.Olabarrieta, Ibarra, Zuriñe, Erika and Eba. On the bench: Uriagereka, L.Zabala, I.Murua, Jessi, Zarate, Lorena and Maria.

On behalf of Real Sociedad the following played: Olatz, Nahiakari, Leire, Itsaso, Ohiana, Ainhoa, Naiara, Gurutze, Larraitz, Maite and Aintzane. On the bench: Nagore, Leire, Anne, Maider, Evelyn, Itxaso and Laura.

Referee Lejarazu, assisted on the wings by Huerga and Rodríguez.

(2′) High shot by A.Olabarrieta
(3′) Crossed kick taken by Ibarra and deflected by Olatz
(4′) 1-0. Goal scored by Guru from outside the goal area
(12′) Missed shot at goal by A.Olabarrieta
(21′) A header from a corner shot is caught by Olatz
(23′) High shot at goal by Guru after a great effort
(25′) Shot to the centre by Eli Ibarra taken from the right
(27′) Change made by Real: Evelyn replacing Leire
(31′) Shot at goal by Ibarra is blocked by Olatz
(32′) Shot at goal taken in front by Itziar is caught by Olatz easily
(33′) Long shot at goal by Tzibi is caught by Olatz
(37′) Shot at goal by Eba goes out after having made a great effort
(40′) Erika’s header goes astray after Vanessa’s pass to the centre
(43′) Foul kicked by Tzibi is deflected to corner by Olatz
(43′) A header taken by Guru is cleared by Evelyn clears the ball from under the posts.
(45′) Eba’s kick goes high from inside the goal area

(46′) 2-0, Erika scores, finishing off a foul shot
(50′) Eba couldn’t reach a great pass from the left wing
(53′) Shot at goal by Larraitz is caught by Ainhoa
(55′) Foul kicked by Ibarra which is easily caught by Olatz
(56′) 3-0, Goal kicked by Guru from a pass from the left by Ibarra
(58′) Shot at goal taken from inside the goal area by Itziar is repelled by Olatz to corner
(59′) Changes: Uriagereka sent in for Vanessa by Athletic and Laura and Itxaso step in for Larraitz and Naiara on behalf of Real Sociedad
(65′) Eba’s crossed shot at goal misses after having struggled with Olatz
(66′) Change made by Athletic: Ane Zarate replaces A.Olabarrieta
(68′) Change made by Athletic: I.Murua sent in to replace Eba
(70′) Change made by Real: Nagore in for Ohiana
(78′) Change made by Athletic: Jessi steps in for Erika

The new president of the Women’s team, Juan Manuel Delgado and the President of the Basque Football Federation, Iñaki Dobaran were present for the match.

Photos: Niko