Athletic Club

Athletic Club in Reus

Athletic Club in Reus

The Athletic Club Expedition are in Reus. The trip went as planned and the plane…

The Athletic Club Expedition are in Reus. The trip went as planned and the plane took off from Bilbao Airport at 18:00 hours and the flight lasted three quarters of an hour. Good weather and 23 degrees on their arrival to Catalan territory, the expedition were received by quite a few fans at the airport as well as at NH Reus Hotel.

The expedition led by President Ana Urquijo, also consisted of Vice-president Juan Carlos Ercoreca and Board members Iñaki Arrate, Iñaki Villanueva, Begoña Oraá and Jose Angel Iribar. Several of them wore a green bow in a show of support for player Carlos Gurpegi.

The latter along with Board member Iñaki Villanueva are on their way to take part in the tenth anniversary commemorative celebration of the Alcossebre Supporters’ Club.

On the other hand, the expedition members will put on for the first time the official Hugo Boss uniform for the season.