Athletic Club

Number 29.733 chosen

Number 29.733 chosen

Today, 22 April 2012, at 13:00 hours, in Ibaigane, and under the direction of the…

Today, 22 April 2012, at 13:00 hours, in Ibaigane, and under the direction of the Dean of the Official Association of Notaries of the Basque Country, Mr. Manuel Lopez Pardiñas, the drawing of lots has been held for tickets for the 2012 Copa Final which will be disputed on 25 May 2012 in Vicente Calderón Stadium in Madrid.

The number drawn has been 29.733. Therefore, and in fulfilment of Article V of the Notary Drawing Rules, the number drawn and the 16,999 following numbers in ascending order to that number extracted, have been those graced, and thus, they will give the right to members assigned those numbers to the acquisition of a ticket for the 2012 Copa Final.

The 17,000 numbers that will have the right to purchase tickets are from 29,733 to 34,955 and from 1 to 11,777, all four included.