
Children´s tickets for the clash against Real Valladolid

Children´s tickets for the clash against Real Valladolid

Check out all the information below regarding the draw results to get children´s tickets for the next match in San Mamés.

Below the codes of the members that won the children´s tickets for the match to be held on October 20, against Real Valladolid.

Members whose code appears below must collect the tickets in San Mamés, at the Ticket Office and during the office hours available for the match.

Saturday, October 19th, from 10:30 to 13:30 and 17:30 to 20:00.

Sunday, October 20th, 10:30 to 13:00 and 16:30 onwards.

Upper South Stand

13667, 43574, 43889, 52799, 53060, 54111, 54886, 58317, 58394, 59758,

61804, 62360, 67553, 69201, 70630, 73939, 79295, 112234, 131425, 133755, 133830, 133954, 134802, 135747, 136082, 136836, 136883, 136974, 137214, 143645, 144592, 145019, 148668, 156311

Lower South Stand

33882, 53973, 62530, 65627, 69279, 78555, 78801, 124257, 127932, 133627, 133661, 133744, 134223, 136639, 136642, 136644, 143108