
Children tickets against Granada CF

Children tickets against Granada CF

Below all the information to sign up for the draw and win children tickets for the match to be played in San Mames, on December 1st .

Since today until Wednesday November 13rd at 24:00, members can transfer their locality to the Club and get in exchange two tickets to attend the match with a child under 15, for 15€*. The match is against Granada CF and will be part of 15th day at La Liga.

Those interested must complete the form by clicking the next tab CHILDREN TICKETS at this link https://www.athletic-club.eus/txoko. Your member code and PIN will be required. Tickets are limited, 150 at Upper South Stand and 50 Low South Stand. In case of receiving, more requests than tickets available, a draw with all those registered will be carried out.

Those members whose code are awarded will have to collect the Tickets at San Mamés in time Schedule offered for this match between November 30th and December 1st.

For more information: https://www.athletic-club.eus/txoko

* No more than 4 tickets by membership card. Each of the children ticket will be 15 euros.