
For a 100% sustainable Athletic

For a 100% sustainable Athletic

Reducing the Club’s carbon footprint is one of the Foundation’s strategic challenges

The Athletic Club Foundation works together with the Bilbao Metropoli-30 Association and with agents linked to metropolitan mobility with the aim of advancing in a sustainable mobility model linked to the Club’s sporting activity that minimises its environmental impact on the surroundings. In this project, the Foundation is taking on the challenge of reducing the impact of the carbon footprint and proposing measures to cause a lower environmental impact.

In order to define specific actions, at the meeting of January 22 the Foundation decided to work through discussion groups in four thematic areas. These are: reducing the use of private vehicles, increasing the use of public transport, promoting other non-polluting means of transport (bicycles, scooters, walking, etc.) and developing tools that facilitate car-sharing.

Among those attending were representatives of the Regional Government of Biscay, some town councils of Biscay, public and private transport entities and companies linked to territorial mobility and sustainability.