Real Sporting de Gijón - Athletic Club
Friendly match

Real Sporting de Gijón - Athletic Club

Real Sporting de Gijón
Real Sporting de Gijón
Athletic Club
Athletic Club
  • 46' Diego Castro
  • 50' Castillo (Key not found (generic.pp))

LocationLa Veigona , Luarca

Sporting 2 – Athletic Club 0

Athletic Club has presented the following starting line-up against Sporting: Armando; Zubiaurre, Aurtenetxe, Eneko, Castillo;…

Athletic Club

Athletic Club has presented the following starting line-up against Sporting: Armando; Zubiaurre, Aurtenetxe, Eneko, Castillo; David López, Gurpegi, Iturraspe, Gabilondo; De Cerio and Etxeberria.

On the bench will be Julen Goñi, Iago, Adrien Goñi and Ion Vélez. Ustaritz will not play as he is suffering from a cold.

Playing for Sporting will be Cuéllar, José Ángel, Pedro, Bilic, Lora, Iván Hernández, Gerard, Diego Castro, Luis Morán, Camacho and Kike Mateo. On the bench will be Juan Pablo, Rivera, Michel, and Botía; De las Cuevas, Canella, Sastre, Barral, Pedro, Alain and Marcos Landeira.

Referee: Coronas Durán.

19:36. Match kicks-off

(2′) Shot by Bilic, saved by Armando
(4′) Volley by Lora, barely misses wide. Corner
(12′) Shot by Etxeberria saved by Cuéllar
(13′) Flat shot by De Cerio which Cuéllar saves
(18′) Individual play by Luis Morán and his shot is deflected by Armando
(26′) Corner in Athletic’s favour, Iturraspe heads it and Gurpegi, also with a header, finishes off wide
(37′) Shot by Bilic right into Armando’s hands


20:40. Second Half kicks-off
(46′) Substitutions: Adrien Goñi and Ion Vélez in for Aurtenetxe and Gabilondo
(46′) 1-0, Diego Castro finishes off a header pass by Bilic
(47′) Shot on goal by De Cerio barely misses wide
(50′) 2-0, Xabi Castillo scores an own goal from a corner
(59′) Díaz de Cerio shoots to the post after through play by Etxeberria
(53′) Header by Etxeberria, wide
(69′) Julen Goñi in for Zubiaurre
(77′) Header by De Cerio, wide
(81′) shot on goal from close by De Cerio but barely misses high
(85′) Shot on goal by De las Cuevas, hits the post
(88′) Great save by Armando