5,330 youngsters signed up for a Gazte Abonoa

5,330 youngsters signed up for a Gazte Abonoa

On Wednesday 26 July (13:00 CEST) there will be a draw for the remaining 549 places after 1,451 signed up for a Bikain season ticket, which had preference in the allocation

There was an extraordinary reponse during this season's registration period for Gazte Abonoa young person's season tickets.

When the deadline came at 18:00 CEST on July 25, a total of 5,330 youngsters between the ages of 14 and 28 had signed up.

Within the two types of pass offered by the Club, a total of 1,451 signed up for the Bikain season ticket (which also allows attendance at Athletic Club Women and Bilbao Athletic matches, as well as a €100 discount on future full membership sign-up fees). There are 549 places left between the 3,879 remaining people who signed up, meaning a draw will take place on Wednesday at 13:00 CEST.
The 3,879 registered participants will receive an e-mail on Wednesday at 10:00 AM CEST with the number they have been assigned for the draw. To determine who will receive a pass, a number between 1,452 and 5,330 will be drawn and anyone with one of the following 566 numbers will be entitled to a Gazte Abonoa pass for the 2022/23 campaign.

Once this has been confirmed, on Friday there will be a second draw among the 2,000 pass holders (both Normal and Bikain season tickets) to establish the order of priority in the choice of seats. In this draw, there will be no preference according to type of season ticket. The numbers (from 1 to 2,000) will be sent by e-mail on the morning of Friday 29th.
Once the order has been defined, the seat selection process will be carried out via the Club's website from Monday 1 August in blocks of 400 people. As for groups, the group leader will have to register and pay for the season tickets of the whole group in a single session.

Success of the Singing Section

The number of people registered to purchase a Gazte Abono, serves to confirm why San Mamés needed a new Singing Section that allows younger people to attend matches as San Mamés.
Its objective is to make it easier for the young people to watch Athletic Club at San Mamés and live the experience from €320. A further aim this year was to promote attendance at Athletic Club Women and Bilbao Athletic matches through the Bikain option, which for only €100 more allows you to see both teams. 

And it has also been done with the aim of creating a source of future members, for whom this additional amount will be discounted from initial fees when they become full Members. At the end of the season, the Club will analyse the impact of this option in detail with a view to its continuity in future seasons.
At Athletic Club, we consider the high number of registrations as another example of the enthusiasm that exists among our young fans. For this reason, we are working on a number of packages to offer to those people who won't get the Gazte Abonoa in order to encourage their connection to the Club and their attendance at San Mamés.