San Roque de Lepe - Athletic Club
Friendly match

San Roque de Lepe - Athletic Club

San Roque de Lepe
San Roque de Lepe
Athletic Club
Athletic Club
  • Etxeberria (p.) 88'

LocationMunicipal , Lepe

San Roque 0 – Athletic Club 1

Coach Joaquín Caparrós presents the following starting line-up against San Róque: Iraizoz, Eneko, Castillo, Aitor…

Athletic Club

Coach Joaquín Caparrós presents the following starting line-up against San Róque: Iraizoz, Eneko, Castillo, Aitor Ocio, Amorebieta, Orbaiz, Susaeta, Gurpegi, Toquero, Yeste and De Marcos.

On the bench awaiting their chance are Iturraspe, Iago, Koikili, Llorente, David López, Etxeberria and Muniain.

Playing for San Róque will be Nacho, Alfonso, Hornillo, Servando, Lebrón, Chapi, Chema, Nando, Vidal, Añete and Joaquín. On the bench will be Pedro, Juanlu, Cisco, Navarro, Vicente, Raúl, Jonathan, Muriel, Gerardo and Zamorano.

The referee will be Palomino Núñez, with González Lucevilla and Moreno Díaz as assistant referees. Board Member Emilio Prieto joined the concentration today.

20:35 Match kicks off

(12′) Yeste takes the free-kick and the goalkeeper barely deflects to corner
(15′) Shot by Orbaiz which the goalie parries and the later shot on goal by De Marcos is deflected by Nacho
(24′) Cross by Alfonso that Iraizoz deflects to corner
(38′) Orbaiz takes the free kick just over Susaeta and Nacho blocks his shot
(42′) Toquero finishes off with a header, but the goalie parries twice


(46′) 9 substitutions for San Róque; Llorente in for De Marcos
(48′) Awesome shot by Aitor Ocio, but hits the crossbar
(53′) Shot by Navarro, high
(57′) Substitution: Muniain in for Toquero
(62′) Substitutions: Etxeberria in for Susaeta and David López in for Yeste
(65′) Corner kick which Amorebieta barely misses wide with a header
(67′) Substitutions: Koikili in for Castillo and Iturraspe in for Gurpegi
(70′) Cross by David López and Llorente heads wide
(83′) Shot on goal by David López which a defender saves
(87′) High right-footed shot by Muniain
(88′) 0-1, GOOOOAAAL! Etxeberria converts his own penalty