FSV Mainz 05 - Athletic Club
Friendly match

FSV Mainz 05 - Athletic Club

FSV Mainz 05
FSV Mainz 05
Athletic Club
Athletic Club

LocationOpel Arena , Mainz

Second draw in the Opel Cup, again without goals

Athletic Club drew 0-0 against FSV Mainz 05 in the second 45-minute match of the…


Athletic Club drew 0-0 against FSV Mainz 05 in the second 45-minute match of the Opel Cup. The effects of heat in the form of tiredness was more evident than in the first match. Despite everything, the changes and the evolution of the match were positive for our team because Athletic Club ended up taking control of the match, although without obvious occasions.

Unfortunately, this time in the penalties the opponent was superior, so everything was at expense of the last match, in which Germans and Italians have tied up to zero. Finally, AC Fiorentina won on penalties and, after a three-way tie, the largest number of shots on goal during the matches shifted the balance to the viola side.