Hannover 96 - Athletic Club
Friendly match

Hannover 96 - Athletic Club

Hannover 96
Hannover 96
Athletic Club
Athletic Club
  • 23' Füllkrug
  • 27' Asano

LocationHDI Arena , Hannover

11.200 assistants

Hannover has been more effective

Athletic Club has lost 2-0 against Hannover 96 at the HDI Arena. Fullkrug and Asano…


Athletic Club has lost 2-0 against Hannover 96 at the HDI Arena. Fullkrug and Asano have been the scorers of the match.

The team has faced well the match, as usual, with the intention to have the fixture under control. However, from the quarter of an hour onwards, the German squad has been better and also has been able to make profitable most of the mismatches of our player’s passes. In fact, in five minutes, from 22nd to 27th, Hannover has scored two goals.

After half an hour of the match, the reaction has been evident but the goal has not arrived. In the second half, the dominance has been more sustained and the team has been much closer to the rival net, but the depth has not translated into goals, despite having Athletic several chances to score.

The preseason continues and the expedition has taken a flight to Munich to go from there by bus to Augsburg, where on Sunday 12th will take place the last duel before LaLiga begins against FC Augsburg.