Athletic Club - SD Eibar
Friendly match

Athletic Club - SD Eibar

Athletic Club
Athletic Club
SD Eibar
SD Eibar
  • 38' Nolaskoain
  • 47' Guruzeta
  • 63' De Marcos
  • Pere Milla 6'
  • Kike G. 22'

LocationLezama 1 , Lezama

Training match against Eibar in Lezama

The result of the training-match between SD Eibar and Athletic Club has been 3-3.


The result of the training-match between SD Eibar and Athletic Club has been 3-3. Both teams have used the game to prepare the upcoming oficial matches.

Nolaskoain, Guruzeta and De Marcos have been the scorers of our team and Pere Milla, Kike G. and Cardona have been the goal scorers of the visiting team.